Grass stains on coloured clothes

How To Remove The Stain

Vanish Gold Oxi Action Powder

Grass stains on Clothes - For Colours

Vanish Gold Oxi Action Powder

Step 1:

Fill Vanish dosing pod with 20ml of gel. Use dispensing valve to cover the stain.

Step 2:

Gently rub stain as required using the base of the pod.

Step 3:

Leave gel on the stain for 10 minutes (max).

Step 4:

Place pod with 60ml dose into your washing machine and wash as usual with your detergent.

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Didn't find the solution you were looking for?

If you don't have a Vanish stain removal product to hand then don't worry. We're still able to provide some handy hints on removing stains. Vanish will help you remove the stains even once they have dried-in. 

Grass stains can be difficult to remove if not treated as soon as possible. Work from inside out; this helps lift the stain off the fabric.

Try and dampen the stain with water until you get home. Don't rub a grass stain as there is a high chance you will spread the stain further. Follow our instructions as set out above for best result.


The grass stains consist of dye from the chlorophyll of the plants and therefore it is very hard to remove through ordinary laundering.


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Grass stains occur daily, especially among kids playing outdoors. Grass-stained clothing should never be thrown away because now it is possible to fully remove any grass stain with the help of Vanish Gold Oxi Action Gel is formulated to lift the stain out of the fabric.